Trisagion School News
Updates and News from Trisagion School of Byzantine Music
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3rd Term 2021 Courses
The third term of 2021 will run from August 30th to October 17th. After a one week break the fourth term will run from October 25th to December 12th. Registration is open for the third term and closes the first day of classes on August 30th. This week is the last week to register, and…

2nd Term 2021 Course Offerings
Registration has opened for the 2nd Term of 2021, which runs from May 10 – June 27th. Registration for the term closes on May 10th, the day that classes begin. This term we will be offering seven courses: ByzB 101: Parallagi, Scales, & Vocal Technique ByzB 102: Introduction to Byzantine Notation Automela 111: Model Melodies,…

Trisagion School Webinar – Season of Repentance: The Compunctionate Vespers Service on Sunday Evenings during Lent
Trisagion School will be hosting its first Webinar on the evening of March 25th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT! Join Instructors Peter George and Samuel Herron as they present a Webinar on the Sunday Evening Vespers Services held during lent, which are called “Compunctionate Vespers”. The first one is the well-known “Forgiveness Vespers,” but…

Trisagion School of Byzantine Music Announcement for 4th Term Courses
Trisagion School of Byzantine Music Announcement for 4th Term Courses There are three courses being offered during the fourth term which runs from October 26th to December 13th. Byzantine Beginnings 102 The first course, ByzB 102 is the second in our series of three courses for beginners and is taught by Amy Hogg. In this…

Ancient Faith Radio Interview with the the Founders of Trisagion School
Richard Barrett, protopsaltis and choir director at Holy Dormition Greek Orthodox Church in Somerville, MA—and the co-host of A Sacrifice of Praise—interviews Amy Hogg, Samuel Herron, and Gabriel Cremeens, the individuals behind the new Trisagion School of Byzantine Music, an online Byzantine Chant training program whose mission it is to offer Byzantine Chant instruction in English with…

The Trisagion School Story
In the vast majority of Orthodox parishes, the sacred musical tradition of Byzantine Chant is in danger of being lost. Nearly every parish struggles to find a chanter to lead their liturgical services – yet oftentimes, even when they do find someone, the candidate may be enthusiastic, but lacking the necessary training and resources to…

Composition, Notation, and the Grammar of Byzantine Chant
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes a Byzantine musical composition work. It’s something I do a lot – as a composer, I’m constantly studying the works of other composers much better than I (such as Petros the Peloponnesian) in order to understand the internal logic of their work. What makes their compositions…