Questions on Lesson 3

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    • #43761
      Alexandra Zampino

        Hi Peter,

        I’ve attended parishes in the Antiochian Archdiocese that celebrate “daily vespers” during the week. Is this the same as a “Small Vespers”?

        It certainly had a simpler feel to it than Great Vespers (“O Gladsome Light” was read rather than sung, candles were only lit in front of Christ’s icon and the Theotokos on the Iconostasis, and so on).

      • #43768
        Alexandra Zampino

          Also, is there a link to the powerpoint used in this week’s video lecture? I can’t seem to locate it. Thanks!

          • #43775
            Peter George

              Also, is there a link to the powerpoint used in this week’s video lecture? I can’t seem to locate it. Thanks!

              Let me see if I can post it. Sorry about that.

          • #43771
            Peter George

              Hi Alexandra,

              A daily vespers is just simply a vespers service that falls on a weekday without a feasted saint. They are certainly more simple and “O Gladsome Light” being read is definitely a part of that. There is no entrance and “Vouchsafe” is read immediately following “O Gladsome Light.” Generally, a daily vespers is chanted more quickly.

              However a daily vespers is different than a Small Vespers. A Small Vespers is the vespers service specifically served before a Vigil and can only be celebrated in conjunction with Great Vespers.

              This basically solves a scheduling problem in monasteries. Vespers is usually done at 3pm, followed by dinner, then Compline. But, what if there is a Vigil? The Vigil is usually served with Compline, which would mean the 3pm time slot would be empty. This is filled by the “Small Vespers.” After the “Small Vespers” the monastics will eat, then go into Compline and begin the vigil proper.

              Hope this makes sense!

            • #43773
              Alexandra Zampino

                Hi Peter,
                This definitely makes sense. I also appreciate your explanation of how it fits into the schedule of the monasteries (having attended Vigil services at monasteries before, this helps me to understand how everything fits together and sounds familiar). Thank you!

              • #43799

                  Apologies if I am simply not seeing them, but where did you post the slides for Week 3?

                • #43853
                  Sarah Helena

                    This may be obvious, but I want to make sure I’m not missing something! For Great Vespers, if the Saint of the Day has a Doxasticon, then we chant the Resurrectional Stichera to 6 and the Prosomia for the Saint to 4. If the Saint has a Doxasticon but only 3 Stichera, then I assume we would go back to 7 Resurrectional? Thank you!

                  • #43856

                      Disregard this message.

                    • #43857

                        I have a dilemma with lesson 3 assignments. I don’t have any of the books needed to do this assignment & have no idea what the HTM service book is. Any suggestions?

                      • #43859

                          Hi Helen, I don’t have the physical books either, but I used the links to the electronic versions that Peter had posted in Unit 1, under Church Books and Document Hub. I hope this helps!

                        • #43860

                            Thanks Zornitsa! I’m a bit behind in my lessons & trying to do this all at once – not working out very well I must say! LOL.

                          • #43861

                              Unfortunately, I’m going to be late turning in this assignment. I sincerely apologize as I’m usually on top of my lessons. I’ll try to complete this by tomorrow, Feb. 5th.

                            • #43884

                                Peter, I’m sorry but I’m SO LOST with this lesson. I really don’t know how to complete the assignment & I’m already 4 days late with it. I’ll have to meet with you tonight for assistance. I’ll continue to try (I even took a day off of work to figure this out).

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