St George Workshop 2023: Beginner 1

In this workshop you will learn to read basic Byzantine notation so that you can follow along with an experienced cantor and begin to figure out simple Heirmologic hymns in Byzantine notation on your own.

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Octoëchos 203: 3rd Mode – Term 2 2024

The eight Octoëchos courses serve as a systematic primer in the theoretical and practical aspects of the eight modes of Byzantine Chant.  Each mode is studied within the context of the Anastasimatarion, that is, the Resurrectional hymns of Saturday night Vespers and Sunday morning Orthros.  Upon completing all of the Octoëchos courses, a student will…

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Spring Workshop 2024: Beginner 1

In this workshop you will learn to read basic Byzantine notation so that you can follow along with an experienced cantor and begin to figure out simple Heirmologic hymns in Byzantine notation on your own.

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Octoëchos 203: 3rd Mode

The eight Octoëchos courses serve as a systematic primer in the theoretical and practical aspects of the eight modes of Byzantine Chant.  Each mode is studied within the context of the Anastasimatarion, that is, the Resurrectional hymns of Saturday night Vespers and Sunday morning Orthros.  Upon completing all of the Octoëchos courses, a student will…

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Typikon 101 – 3rd Term 2022

In this course, students will learn how to build services for every day using the Great Horologion, Octoechos, Menaion, and – when appropriate – the Triodion or Pentecostarion, using the Typikon of Protopsaltis Georgios Violakis as a guide. Students will also learn the history of various other Typika (the plural of Typikon) and the differences…

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Typikon 101 – 1st Term 2023

In this course, students will learn how to build services for every day using the Great Horologion, Octoechos, Menaion, and – when appropriate – the Triodion or Pentecostarion, using the Typikon of Protopsaltis Georgios Violakis as a guide. Students will also learn the history of various other Typika (the plural of Typikon) and the differences…

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Typikon 101 – Term 3 2023

In this course, students will learn how to build services for every day using the Great Horologion, Octoechos, Menaion, and – when appropriate – the Triodion or Pentecostarion, using the Typikon of Protopsaltis Georgios Violakis as a guide. Students will also learn the history of various other Typika (the plural of Typikon) and the differences…

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Typikon 101 – Term 1 2024

In this course, students will learn how to build services for every day using the Great Horologion, Octoechos, Menaion, and – when appropriate – the Triodion or Pentecostarion, using the Typikon of Protopsaltis Georgios Violakis as a guide. Students will also learn the history of various other Typika (the plural of Typikon) and the differences…

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Typikon 101 – Term 1 2025

In this course, students will learn how to build services for every day using the Great Horologion, Octoechos, Menaion, and – when appropriate – the Triodion or Pentecostarion, using the Typikon of Protopsaltis Georgios Violakis as a guide. Students will also learn the history of various other Typika (the plural of Typikon) and the differences…

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Papadic 411: Long Doxologies

This course will cover 8 settings in English of Long Doxologies and will focus on the theory and performance of the unique style of long doxologies, which in general are some of the most creative and unique musical pieces in the classical Byzantine psaltic repertoire. Course Expectations: There will be limited reading and extensive listening…

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