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  • in reply to: Orthros lesson #41644

      If the royal beginning of orthros is done, I’ve always heard Psalms 19-20 being intoned and a censing is done.

      Are these Psalms ever read plainly, or are they always intoned this way?

      in reply to: Liturgy #41643

        If you celebrated the vesperal divine liturgy, would you read the apolytikion of the feast at thanksgiving prayers?

        It seems strange to have the first time hearing the festal apolytikion be when it is read at thanksgiving prayers, but on the other hand, you just did vespers of the feast, and if you had celebrated the complete vespers without the liturgy, you would have chanted the apolytikion of the feast.

        It’s very confusing!

        in reply to: Orthros lesson #41639

          Right before the exapostilaria I used to always see “Holy is the Lord our God” chanted 3x before “Exalt the Lord our God…”, but lately I’ve started to see it written to chant “Holy is the Lord our God” 2x only. Which is correct?

          in reply to: Week 3 #41638

            Is “Great Vespers” and “Festal Vespers” synonymous, or could you have one without it being the other?

            in reply to: Liturgy: Antiphons #41637

              I always thought that chanting the typika and beatitudes wasn’t acceptable in the GOA (despite that fact that the typikon calls for it), but the DCS has started listing it as an option.

              Do you think they’re trying to bring it back, or they’re just putting it in in case someone from another jurisdiction is using the DCS?

              in reply to: Orthros lesson #41636

                If you wanted to include the polyeleos, how is that done?

                in reply to: Week 3 #41635

                  Sometimes we combine vespers services, for example if there’s a service in the back of the menaion that we want to use, but we also want to include hymns to the Saint in the main part of the menaion.

                  If one Saint has a Great Vespers and the other does not, does the Saint with the Great Vespers always take precedence? (i.e. You would automatically do Great Vespers and that Saint would be one whose hymns you would chant first.)

                  Or do you have a choice of whether you want to do the daily vespers (adding hymns from the second Saint) or the Great Vespers (adding hymns from the first Saint).

                  in reply to: Week 3 #41634

                    Would you technically always chant the heirmologic “Lord I have cried…” unless it’s Great Vespers?

                    in reply to: Orthros lesson #41344

                      On Annunciation, I think the Digital Chant Stand will sometimes indicate that the kontakion is to be chanted and oikos is to be intoned by the priest with the repeat done by the chanter as it’s done in the Salutations.

                      Is this a typical practice? Is this in imitation of what would have been done when the kontakion and oikos in orthros were more of a full akathist? (I don’t remember exactly how you phrased it.)

                      in reply to: Orthros lesson #41343

                        What does orthros usually look like on days with a lesser commemoration, particularly when there aren’t hymns at the praises? Is the same outline used and you just skip the parts that aren’t applicable, or is there a completely different outline?

                        Occasionally we’ve done orthros on one of these days, and even though usually we’ve had the Digital Chant Stand to follow, everyone is still confused and wanting to skip the things that we don’t normally do (aposticha, the final litanies, etc.)…which I assumed are only included because when there’s no kathismata, no gospel, no hymns at the praises, etc, you have to include something out of the ordinary if you want orthros to last an hour?

                        in reply to: Orthros lesson #41340

                          Can you talk a little bit about orthros aposticha? I see it occasionally, but it seems to be on lesser feasts or lent. Does orthros only sometimes have aposticha, or does it always, and it’s typically skipped?

                          in reply to: Week 6 – Ideal Orthros #41187

                            Without trying to sound like I’m copying Jamie, I agree with a lot of her points!

                            -I prefer that “Liturgy begins when orthros ends,” i.e. no time-cutoff for orthros.

                            -I would move the gospel back to its normal place–I think this would eliminate unnecessary confusion and difficulty. If we’re (presumably) not doing the canon anyway, it really doesn’t make much of a difference in what time the gospel is read (and therefore how many people are present), so then it just makes things weird and confusing.

                            -It would be nice to chant the Polyeleos when applicable.

                            -I doubt we would ever be able to do the whole canon, but it would be nice to be able to do at least part of it.

                            -We’ve been able to do the stichologia the last several years, and I would like to continue that.

                            -I would like to see the celebration of the American Saints included more. (And metered translations of their services!)

                            -We would have enough/skilled enough chanters to be able to do whatever we want without difficulty. Also no contention, competition, vanity, translation/music “wars”…

                            in reply to: Week 3 #40792

                              For a vespers when you would chant the theotokion from the menaion, I’ve heard that you always chant the first one, unless it’s Thursday night, when you would chant the one marked “for the cross”. Is that true, or would you also chant the theotokion for the cross on Tuesday nights?

                              in reply to: Week 3 #40790

                                What is the official name for vespers that isn’t Great Vespers or Small Vespers, just vespers for an average day with nothing special going on?

                                in reply to: Week 3 #40789

                                  “When a Post-feast falls on a Sunday, in Saturday Vespers

                                  At Lord, I Have Cried, we chant 6 Resurrectional Stichera from the Octoechos and 4 from the Menaion, from the post-festal stichera that are in the Menaion for the calendar date. For example, if Sunday is September 10th, we would chant the Stichera that have the heading ‘Of the feast’. “

                                  I’ve also never seen this. I’ve always seen the festal hymns taken from the feast itself, not from whatever calendar date the Sunday falls on. (For example, today/last night the stichera in vespers and orthros were the festal hymns from Sept. 14th, not Sept. 17th.)

                                  Is this another case where the typikon says one thing, but everyone does something else?

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