Week 3
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- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by
September 17, 2023 at 10:24 pm #40788
In the vespers template there is a note that says, “*During Paschaltide, replace ‘Holy God…’ with ‘Christ is Risen…'”
Could you explain that? I’ve never seen that done in the middle of a service like that, only at the beginning.
September 17, 2023 at 10:39 pm #40789
“When a Post-feast falls on a Sunday, in Saturday Vespers
At Lord, I Have Cried, we chant 6 Resurrectional Stichera from the Octoechos and 4 from the Menaion, from the post-festal stichera that are in the Menaion for the calendar date. For example, if Sunday is September 10th, we would chant the Stichera that have the heading ‘Of the feast’. “
I’ve also never seen this. I’ve always seen the festal hymns taken from the feast itself, not from whatever calendar date the Sunday falls on. (For example, today/last night the stichera in vespers and orthros were the festal hymns from Sept. 14th, not Sept. 17th.)
Is this another case where the typikon says one thing, but everyone does something else?
September 21, 2023 at 10:12 pm #40879
“When a Post-feast falls on a Sunday, in Saturday Vespers
At Lord, I Have Cried, we chant 6 Resurrectional Stichera from the Octoechos and 4 from the Menaion, from the post-festal stichera that are in the Menaion for the calendar date. For example, if Sunday is September 10th, we would chant the Stichera that have the heading ‘Of the feast’. “
I’ve also never seen this. I’ve always seen the festal hymns taken from the feast itself, not from whatever calendar date the Sunday falls on. (For example, today/last night the stichera in vespers and orthros were the festal hymns from Sept. 14th, not Sept. 17th.)
Is this another case where the typikon says one thing, but everyone does something else?
This is a good question. In Violakis in particular, unless it is the day of the feast itself or the Apodosis, for post-festal Sundays, you will chant the hymns of the feast that come from the Menaion on that particular day. The reasoning is that, especially in parishes, these post-festal hymns will never be heard since parishes don’t have daily services. For this reason, Violakis will usually use the Sunday after a feast to feature hymnography that was absent on the principal feast.
However, what Violakis appoints is different than what is found in the TAS, which appoints the hymns from the principal day. This is for sure a significant point of divergence. Both practices are acceptable, but in whatever you decide to do, be consistent.
September 17, 2023 at 10:49 pm #40790
What is the official name for vespers that isn’t Great Vespers or Small Vespers, just vespers for an average day with nothing special going on?
September 21, 2023 at 10:12 pm #40880
What is the official name for vespers that isn’t Great Vespers or Small Vespers, just vespers for an average day with nothing special going on?
Vespers or Weekday Vespers.
September 18, 2023 at 12:28 am #40792
For a vespers when you would chant the theotokion from the menaion, I’ve heard that you always chant the first one, unless it’s Thursday night, when you would chant the one marked “for the cross”. Is that true, or would you also chant the theotokion for the cross on Tuesday nights?
September 21, 2023 at 10:16 pm #40881
For a vespers when you would chant the theotokion from the menaion, I’ve heard that you always chant the first one, unless it’s Thursday night, when you would chant the one marked “for the cross”. Is that true, or would you also chant the theotokion for the cross on Tuesday nights?
You chant the “Stavrotheotokion” (or the “Theotokion of the Cross”) on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, as they look to Wednesdays and Fridays – days on which we remember our Lord’s betrayal and crucifixion.
An interesting fact is that these “Stavrotheotokia” in the Cathedral Rite had ornate and melismatic compositions, lasting from 8 to 12 minutes in some cases. The use of the Stavrotheotkia today in the way we use them is a good example of how the Byzantine “synthesis” tried to preserve almost every aspect of both rites, even if they use some of those aspects very differently.
September 21, 2023 at 10:08 pm #40878
In the vespers template there is a note that says, “*During Paschaltide, replace ‘Holy God…’ with ‘Christ is Risen…’”
Could you explain that? I’ve never seen that done in the middle of a service like that, only at the beginning.
In some places, “Christ is Risen” is read plainly instead of “Holy God” at the Trisagion. However, this is probably not a universal practice.
October 17, 2023 at 12:22 pm #41634
Would you technically always chant the heirmologic “Lord I have cried…” unless it’s Great Vespers?
October 17, 2023 at 12:31 pm #41635
Sometimes we combine vespers services, for example if there’s a service in the back of the menaion that we want to use, but we also want to include hymns to the Saint in the main part of the menaion.
If one Saint has a Great Vespers and the other does not, does the Saint with the Great Vespers always take precedence? (i.e. You would automatically do Great Vespers and that Saint would be one whose hymns you would chant first.)
Or do you have a choice of whether you want to do the daily vespers (adding hymns from the second Saint) or the Great Vespers (adding hymns from the first Saint).
October 17, 2023 at 1:08 pm #41638
Is “Great Vespers” and “Festal Vespers” synonymous, or could you have one without it being the other?
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