No Session Tonight, February 5th

Trisagion School Forums Forum: Typikon 101 – Term 1 2025 No Session Tonight, February 5th

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Nina.
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    • #51241
      Peter George

        Unfortunately, I’m not feeling very well tonight and I will need to cancel tonight’s session. Please feel free to send me questions.

        Thank you for your understanding.

      • #51247

          Hello Peter,
          I hope that you are feeling better.

          Three items for Week 5:

          1. There are two assignments in the Week 5 section. The first on the Lesson 6 page is to prepare Sunday Orthros for the hypothetical June 7 specifics, and the second on the Structure of Sunday Orthros page is to complete a Orthros template for next week’s Orthros service, using the standard cut for your jurisdiction. Which would you like completed?

          2.This is my understanding of the rules for the Exapostelaria:

          If there is no Exapostelarion for the Saint, there will be two chanted: the Eothinon Exapostelarion and its paired Theotokion.

          If there is an Exapostelarion for the Saint, there will be three chanted: The Eothinon Exapostelarion, and then from the Menaion the Saint’s and the Theotokion paired to the Saint’s.

          3. From the videos, the Great Doxology will be in the Mode of the Week when an Eothinon Gospel is read. For other Orthros Gospel readings, the Doxology will match the mode of the Doxastikon of the praises. The Orthros According to Violakis page instructs that the Doxology will be in the mode of the Doxastikon. Which of these should I use, since the mode of the week might not match the mode of the Doxastichon?

          Thank you,

        • #51255

            Will you be providing a source for the incipits of the Katavasias of the Theotokos or have I missed where those can be found?
            Thank you,

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