Reply To: Let’s Introduce Ourselves

Trisagion School Forums Typikon 100 Forum Let’s Introduce Ourselves Reply To: Let’s Introduce Ourselves

Erick Sampson

    Hello, my name is Erick Sampson and I am from Kingsport, TN. My wife, our daughter and myself were brought into the Orthodox Church in 2020, and since, God has added 2 healthy twin boys to our family. We currently attend Christ the Savior Greek Orthodox Church in Bluff City, TN.

    My wife and I actually met in our highschool choir, and music has always been apart of our lives. My bachelor’s degree is in Worship Arts, and while music was a great part of that experience for me, the focus on the worship of God in and through the whole of the created world was always and repeatedly emphasized. Now, by God’s grace, that I am an Orthodox Christian, many of the principles that were instilled in me at that time have taken on new and truer forms, and it seems that the longer I live, I see not only a great significance in the offering up of all of the external, material world to God, but also *time* itself.

    If asked, at times, I would say that we live in strange times, trying times, and sometimes even dark times, but at other times, if asked, I would say that we live in great times – sometimes, even Holy Time. I know that it is God that holds this world together. I know that the Divine Services and the liturgical cycles of the Orthodox Christian Church are holy. I know that the Typikon is holy. I want to internalize it, live out of it, and understand it in such a way as to pass it on as an endless, invisible and untouchable, eternal treasure to my children, and lead a life as a family that is holy and pleasing to God.

    I am also interested in the current parish use of the Typikon across jurisdictions, as well as the biblical and historical roots of the Tradition.