Reply To: Week 1 Discussion Topic: Do You Chant Daily Services?

Trisagion School Forums Typikon 102 – Spring 2024 Week 1 Discussion Topic: Do You Chant Daily Services? Reply To: Week 1 Discussion Topic: Do You Chant Daily Services?


    The daily Vespers use the Octoechos taking into account the mode of the week. The shorter version of LIHC is chanted in general and might not be an idiomelon doxastikon at LIHC. There is no entrance at “O Gladsome Light” at Vespers. And the weekday dismissal hymns can be chanted.

    The daily Matins do not have Gospel reading, the Octoechos is used for poetic kathismata and the canons. We do not chant the seasonal katavasias and the Praises. And we do not chant the Great Doxology.

    I do not have experience doing daily services.

    We do Compline, Presanctified Liturgy and Akathist during Great Lent.