Reply To: Let’s Introduce Ourselves!
Trisagion School › Forums › Typikon 101 – Term 1 (Winter) 2024 › Let’s Introduce Ourselves! › Reply To: Let’s Introduce Ourselves!
Hello everyone! My name is Alexandra, and I attend Holy Ascension Orthodox Church (Antiochian) in West Chester, Pennsylvania. I have been chanting since 2016, and I participated in group Byzantine Chant lessons with two different instructors in Pittsburgh during my time in college there. Currently, my parish priest would like for me to become more familiar with the Typikon so that I can better assist with services when the choir director is not present, or when there is a service that we’d like to do for which the Archdiocese has not uploaded a printable service text, and so on.
I have experience in chanting in both GOARCH and Antiochian settings and think I’ve noticed a few differences in the Typikon during Vespers / Orthros – I’d like to know more about whether this is the case!
My husband and I were gifted a copy of the two-part Horologion from HTM as a wedding gift, and we enjoy using it to chant the hymns for the next liturgical day during our evening prayers (our 21-month-old daughter enjoys singing along with us, and I dare say she’s memorized some of the automela melodies, too). Learning how to use the books involved in the Typikon for our home prayer life is another goal of mine. Thank you for offering this course!