Papadic 405: 3rd Mode & Grave Mode – Term 4 – 2021

This course functions as an in-depth study of papadic repertoire in the 3rd and Plagal 3rd (Grave) Modes. Students will study one Cherubic Hymn and one Communion Hymn in each of the aforementioned modes along with a festal Communion hymn, analyzing each selection in terms of modal theory/intervals, melodic structure/morphology, liturgical execution, and other related…

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Octoëchos 208 – Plagal 4th Mode

This course serves as a systematic primer in the theoretical and practical aspects of Plagal 4th Mode.  This mode will be studied within the context of the Anastasimatarion; that is, the Resurrectional hymns of Saturday night Vespers and Sunday morning Orthros.  Upon completing this course, a student will be proficient in the heirmologic and sticheraric…

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ByzB 103: Byzantine Notation Fluency (Term 4 2021)

This course focuses on developing reading fluency on parallagi in syllabic hymns and sticheraric hymns and goes much deeper into symbols indicating the mode and scale (martyries and fthores).  Students study four Diatonic Sticheraric hymns as well as Heirmologic hymns in the in the Enharmonic and Chromatic Modes: 2nd, Plagal 2nd, 3rd, and Grave Mode.…

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ByzB 102: Intro to Byz Notation (Term 4 2021)

In this course, students study the foundational symbols needed to read a syllabic hymn in Byzantine notation and continue their study of modal theory. Students will study intervallic symbols, qualitative symbols, rhythmic symbols, and symbols that indicate the mode and scale. Students study Heirmologic hymns on parallagi (solfège) and melos in the Diatonic Modes: 1st,…

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Typikon 102 – Term 2 2024

In Typikon 102, we will go over the structure of the Daily and Lenten Services throughout the year, using the Typikon of Violakis and others to help us. By the end of this course, you will be able to build the following services “from scratch,” using the Liturgical Books of the Orthodox Church. Daily Vespers…

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Papadic 404: 2nd and Plagal 2nd Mode

This course functions as an in-depth study of papadic repertoire in the 2nd and Plagal 2nd Modes. Students will study one Cherubic Hymn and one Communion Hymn in each of the aforementioned modes along with a festal Communion hymn, analyzing each selection in terms of modal theory/intervals, melodic structure/morphology, liturgical execution, and other related topics.…

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Festal Menaion 304: March 25th and August 6th

This course is a systematic study of the hymnography of Vespers, Orthros, and Divine Liturgy of the feasts of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (March 25th) and the Transfiguration of Christ (August 6th). The course focuses on the performance aspects of singing hymns in the short sticheraric genre such as vocal quality, interpretation, rhythm and…

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