Week One Analytical Listening: Attractions in Plagal 4th
Link to the Forum: https://trisagionschool.org/forums/topic/week-one-analytical-listening/ One of the main things we will focus on is listening. Listening is one of the biggest keys to being able to understand and perform Byzantine chant well. So, each week we will have a collection of hymns to listen to, of which I DO EXPECT EVERYONE to listen to…
Read MoreIntroduction to Papadic 403
Welcome to Papadic 403! In this course we will be covering the family of 4th Mode, which includes Authentic 4th Mode and Plagal of the 4th Mode. In Papadic, these modes are perhaps the most interconnected in the modern theory, essentially mirrors of each other, but just a fifth apart. Because of this, I really…
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