Voice Lab 100 – Term 2 2025
This class is meant to be repeated because students experience the most success when they have continued vocal training and support. During students’ first pass they learn how to modify their current vocal recipe for better vocal health and stamina. Then as they repeat the class they explore changes to their recipe that furthers the initial goals of greater health but also bring them more in line with the traditional vocal recipe used in Byzantine chant (beginner students may come to these sessions as well if interested). Two practice sessions a week cover the foundational vocal health content and two sessions a week cover the more advanced content. All students enrolled in classes during the term get access to Voice Lab 100 course material and practice sessions (access is removed at the start of the next term). Enrollment in this class is open to non-matriculated students as well.
Prerequisites: None
Class Dates: Term 2, 2025 (May 5 – June 22)
Instructor: Amy Hogg
Zoom Practice Sessions (all times Eastern):
Tuesdays, 8 – 8:30 PM ET (advanced topics)
Wednesdays, 8 – 8:30 PM ET (advanced topics)
Thursdays, 1:30 – 2 PM ET (beginner topics)
Thursdays, 8 – 8:30 PM ET (beginner topics)
Cost: $150
Retake Fee: $75 (email the school to register)