Season of Repentance: The Compunctionate Vespers Service on Sunday Evenings during Lent

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Instructors Peter George and Samuel Herron presented this Webinar on Thursday evening, March 25th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT on the Sunday Evening Vespers Services held during lent, which are called ‘Compunctionate Vespers’. The first one is the well-known “Forgiveness Vespers” complete with the rite of Forgiveness, but this service is actually just the first in a series of Vespers held on Sunday Evenings throughout the duration of Lent. These services mark the transition from the Resurrectional Sunday to the more penitential Lenten season for the rest of the week, and this is marked in several different ways.

Peter George, Lampadarios of Saint Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Westwood, MA, will present the proper typikon and order of this unique service, discussing where the hymns come from, their thematic content, and the order in which they are sung.

Samuel Herron, Protopsaltis of Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Scottsdale, AZ, will present the way in which the hymns are chanted, including particular focus on the unique Prokeimena and the Long Sticheraric Aposticha Idiomela chanted during these services.