Papadic 401: Introduction to the Papadic Genre (Term 4 2022)
This course functions as an introduction to the slow melismatic (“papadic”) genre of Byzantine Chant. Students will study the characteristics of each mode’s papadic form and will focus on one representative composition of each mode in this genre. Repertoire will be analyzed in terms of modal theory/intervals, melodic structure/morphology, liturgical execution, and other related topics.
Class Dates: 2nd Term 2022 (October 30th – December 18th)
Live Practice Sessions: Mondays 7:30 PM-8:30 PM ET and Fridays 5:30 – 6:30 PM ET
To take this course, you must have passed the 200 level courses and gotten approval from a TSBM instructor, or you need to be evaluated by a TSBM instructor to make sure you are at the level needed to take this course.
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