Orthros lesson

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    • #41202

        I am finishing up my homework from the Orthros lesson. I have a question regarding the roles of the choir at the point of the exapostilarion. If there is a Menaion exapostilarion then we are chanting three hymns (Eothinon, menaion, and menaion theotokion). If the right choir is beginning this set then the right choir is also chanting the last hymn and then immediately beginning the praises.
        question: If it is the case where three hymns are chanted would the left choir then end the final phrase of the third exapostilarion hymn so as to give the right choir a chance to breath before beginning the Praises?
        (kind of like at the Anavathmi/Prokimenon)

      • #41262
        Peter George

          Yes, Natalia – exactly as you guessed!

        • #41281

            Thank you!👍🏻

          • #41340

              Can you talk a little bit about orthros aposticha? I see it occasionally, but it seems to be on lesser feasts or lent. Does orthros only sometimes have aposticha, or does it always, and it’s typically skipped?

              • #41353
                Peter George

                  Very good question. We chant the aposticha at Orthros for “daily Orthros,” in other words, Orthros when there is no feasted saint. Orthros has aposticha when the doxology is appointed to be read, instead of chanted. Hence, why we chant aposticha at Orthros during the Bridegroom services of Holy Week, for example.

              • #41343

                  What does orthros usually look like on days with a lesser commemoration, particularly when there aren’t hymns at the praises? Is the same outline used and you just skip the parts that aren’t applicable, or is there a completely different outline?

                  Occasionally we’ve done orthros on one of these days, and even though usually we’ve had the Digital Chant Stand to follow, everyone is still confused and wanting to skip the things that we don’t normally do (aposticha, the final litanies, etc.)…which I assumed are only included because when there’s no kathismata, no gospel, no hymns at the praises, etc, you have to include something out of the ordinary if you want orthros to last an hour?

                  • #41354
                    Peter George

                      Also a great question, that requires a longer answer. This is a topic for Typikon 102, but let me outline it here:

                        God is the Lord
                        Kathismata (from the Octoechos)
                        Psalm 50
                        Canon Odes 1-3 (Octoechos and Menaion) without Katavasias
                        Chant the Heirmos of Ode 3 at the end of Ode 3
                        Mid-Ode Kathismata
                        Odes 4 – 6
                        Chant the Heirmos of Ode 6 at the end of Ode 6
                        Kontakion and Oikos (from Menaion, but if there is none, from the Octoechos)
                        Odes 7&8
                        Chant the Heirmos of Ode 8 at the end of Ode 8
                        More Honorable
                        Ode 9 of the Canon
                        Chant the Heirmos of Ode 9 at the end of Ode 9
                        It is truly meet, in the mode of Ode 9 Heirmos
                        Read the Praises (omitted in most Greek churches) through Glory, Both Now
                        Priest: “It is good to give praise unto the Lord…”
                        Small Doxology is read
                        Petition: “Let us complete our morning prayer…”
                        Dismissal Hymns
                        Litany of Fervent Supplication
                        Reader: “The Lord God make steadfast…”
                        Priest does the dismissal.
                  • #41344

                      On Annunciation, I think the Digital Chant Stand will sometimes indicate that the kontakion is to be chanted and oikos is to be intoned by the priest with the repeat done by the chanter as it’s done in the Salutations.

                      Is this a typical practice? Is this in imitation of what would have been done when the kontakion and oikos in orthros were more of a full akathist? (I don’t remember exactly how you phrased it.)

                      • #41355
                        Peter George

                          Yes, but I have only seen this on the Saturday of the Akathist Hymn, not on Annunciation itself. I’d be curious to see the DCS and see where they get that from. The Akathist Hymn is maybe the only example we have left of what the full Kontakia and Oikoi sounded like during Matins, although in modern practice, we chant them during Small Compline.

                      • #41636

                          If you wanted to include the polyeleos, how is that done?

                        • #41639

                            Right before the exapostilaria I used to always see “Holy is the Lord our God” chanted 3x before “Exalt the Lord our God…”, but lately I’ve started to see it written to chant “Holy is the Lord our God” 2x only. Which is correct?

                          • #41644

                              If the royal beginning of orthros is done, I’ve always heard Psalms 19-20 being intoned and a censing is done.

                              Are these Psalms ever read plainly, or are they always intoned this way?

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